
The Motivation Myth (Jeff Haden) – Book Summary

Book Summary

In his book “The Motivation Myth,” Jeff Haden questions the widely held notion that drive is the secret to success. The book makes the case that success is not solely determined by motivation, despite its importance. Instead, the book places a strong emphasis on the value of acting, forming positive habits, and persevering in pursuing one’s objectives. The book also discusses the function of willpower and how to apply it to go over obstacles and take action. The book explores the role of failure in achievement and provides helpful tips for forming positive habits, controlling willpower, and overcoming opposition. The necessity of taking action and persevering in one’s efforts to achieve goals is demonstrated in the book through a combination of scientific data, case studies, and personal tales.

The Book in 3 Sentences

• The book “The Motivation Myth” criticizes the notion that motivation is the secret to success and places a greater emphasis on taking action, forming positive habits, and persevering in one’s efforts to achieve their objectives.

• The book discusses the function of willpower and how to apply it to go over obstacles and take action.

• The book explores the role of failure in achievement and provides helpful advice for forming positive habits, controlling willpower, and overcoming resistance.


“The Motivation Myth” provides a fresh perspective on the role of motivation in achieving success and how it has been overrated as a sole factor for success. The practical strategies offered for developing good habits, managing willpower, and overcoming resistance are insightful. The book to is useful in understanding the importance of taking action and working consistently towards one’s goals, and the role of failure in achieving success.

How I Discovered It

It was recommended in a blog post that was written against productivity and self-improvement, which is where I discovered it.

Who Should Read It

“The Motivation Myth” is intended for anyone interested in understanding the role of motivation in achieving success, and how it has been overrated as a sole factor for success. The book is particularly well-suited for people who are looking for a fresh perspective on motivation and want to develop good habits, manage willpower and overcome resistance.

How the Book Changed Me

I changed my understanding of the role of motivation in achieving success, and how it has been overrated as a sole factor for success. I started to focus more on taking action, developing good habits, and working consistently towards my goals. Additionally, I gained a better understanding of the role of willpower and how to use it to overcome resistance and take action. Finally, it made me more aware of the role of failure in success and the importance of perseverance.

My Top Quotes

  1. “Motivation is crucial, but it’s not enough. Action is the key to success.”
  2. “Habits are the key to success. When you have the right habits in place, you don’t have to rely on motivation.”
  3. “The key to success is not motivation; it’s taking action.”
  4. “Achieving your goals is a process, not an event.”
  5. “Motivation is like a spark, but it’s not the fire. Habit is the fire, and it burns hotter, longer and more consistently.”

Detailed Notes//Key Topics (Key topics from the book are)

Some key topics from the book “The Motivation Myth” include:

  1. The Role of motivation: The book challenges the common belief that motivation is the key to success and emphasizes the importance of taking action, developing good habits, and working consistently towards one’s goals.
  2. Willpower and self-control: The book covers the role of willpower and self-control in achieving success and suggests ways to increase willpower.
  3. Habit and Action: The book offers practical strategies for developing good habits, and taking action, and examines the impact of habits on achieving success.
  4. Failure and perseverance: The book examines the role of failure in success and the importance of perseverance.
  5. Mindfulness and awareness: The book encourages readers to be mindful of their actions, and to be aware of the impact they have on their lives.
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